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All services


Network services service - specialized network services
How to start?
In matters of service provision, please contact the Operator of the PIONIER Polish Optical Internet, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center, IChB PAN
Krzysztof Kołat
Tel. +48 61 858 20 29
Centrum Zarządzania Siecią (NOC):
Tel. +48 61 858 20 15
or the territorially leading MAN unit - go to the list of MANs

Identity and login service - identity management, authentication
How to start?

Only an institution connected to one of MAN networks forming PIONIER Consortium can become a PIONIER.Id member.

Institutions that have not used these networks so far, please contact the nearest MAN network management unit. The cost of using PIONIER.Id federation service is a component of the network connection fee.


Calculation and data processing

PIONIER MAN-HA service - modern scientific cloud
How to start?

The technical product developed in the project is implemented in the PIONIER network for its users. Institutions, which are not yet using the network, please contact the nearest MAN network management unit. Due to the simplicity of use, the produced results can be used by any Internet user.


University life

PIONIER videoconferencing service - reservation of videoconferencing infrastructure resources
How to start?
Users who do not have an account in the service can create one, however, each order will require the consent of the service administrator or the technical employee in the parent MAN network unit. Users with accounts in the service are requested to log in in order to gain access to full functionality.
PIONIER TV service - scientific television
How to start?

Go to the website and start watching materials about on a platform for the production and sharing of scientific content.

Data in the cloud

PIONIER box service - all your data in one place
How to start?

Go to the website and select the option of logging in via PIONIER ID.

PIONIER CLOUD Service - applications and virtual machines in the browser
How to start?
Campus Services are provided by 20 MAN units and High Power Computers, in which local clusters connected by PIONIER network are located. To start using, contact the nearest MAN network management unit.
PIONIER FILESENDER service - easy exchange of large files
How to start?
If you have a collaborating institution account, you can use the federated login. Clicking will redirect you to the chosen institution’s login page. To join as an institution, contact the operator of a nearby municipal computer network.

Plans for managing, searching and sharing scientific data

DMP / EOSC Argos - Service supporting the creation of the Research Data Management Plan in the PIONIER network
How to start?
To start using it, simply log in using the federated login or using your EDUDAT, Google, Facebook, Twitter or Zenodo account. It is an open extensible service – available as a standalone service (OpenDMP) and as a OpenAIRE service (ARGOS) – that simplifies the management, validation, monitoring and maintenance of Data Management Plans. It allows actors (researchers, managers, supervisors etc) to create actionable DMPs.
PIONIER ROHub service - Managing, storing and sharing research objects.
How to start?

Go to and select option to log-in via EGI Check-in or you can also register on the website as a new user.

PIONIER data-id service - registration of DOIs
How to start?

To access services that allow you to register DOIs through your PSNC, you need to follow a few simple steps. Instructions can be found at For practical reasons, the PSNC service is not addressed to individual users. In this case, we recommend contacting the persons responsible for the institution’s repository.

Digital Libraries Federation service - collections of Polish scientific and cultural institutions
How to start?

The easiest way to use the collections of the Digital Libraries Federation is to use its search engine. It is available for all users at

Network infrastructure

The eduroam service - secure roaming for scientific entities
How to start?

To join eduroam as an institution, please contact the operator of a nearby metropolitan area network. Contact the Polish eduroam coordinator: eduroam in Poland is available through the infrastructure of the PIONIER network and the connected metropolitan networks managed by institutions that are members of the PIONIER Consortium. To start using it, you need to obtain an authentication certificate from a cooperating institution. On the main page of the eduroam portal you can check whether your home institution is on the list, however, who is authorised to use eduroam is an autonomous decision of each institution.

Meetings and voting

PIONIER meet service - easy video conferencing in a browser
How to start?

If you have an account of a cooperating institution, you can click the federated login button in the upper right corner. Clicking will redirect you to the login page of the selected institution. To join as an institution, contact the operator of the nearby city computer network.

Conference4Me service - application to facilitate participation in conferences and exhibitions
How to start?

To start using the service, please fill in the quote form at, we will then contact you about your order.

How to start?

If you are interested in using the PIONIER electronic voting service, please contact

Didactics and education

Usługa PIONIER Reseach & Classroom - chmura usług edukacyjnych
How to start?

To start using fill in the form at Cloud services education accessible online from any web browser, any desktop or mobile device, without the need to install additional software.

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